Postman Ben

There are many people in Ghana who I have not had a chance to tell you about. I have decided to do a short series of posts on a few of my favourite people. Today, Postman Ben.

Postman Ben works at the post office, naturally, and gladly checks our post box for us every Tuesday when we arrive in town. Ben is extraordinarily friendly, has an extraordinary large smile, is ever determined to help us practice our twi and learn new phrases, and always welcomes us with a terrific sense of humour. On top of this, how could one ever dislike the person responsible for delivering to them joyful envelopes from home. Last week, Ben told me we weren’t friends anymore because I forgot to call Tony to tell him to pick up his mail, so Tony’s mail was still waiting in the postbox. With the straightest of straight faces, Ben said my deep heartfelt apologies were simply not enough. He even said there was mail waiting in the postbox with my name on it – mail that he saw with his very own eyes – and he refused to give it to me. After much ado he gave me a pop quiz on my Twi - which I passed-  and handed over my letter.  We had a good laugh, and Andy and I were ready to head off. We said our goodbyes and see-you-again-next-weeks, in twi of course – and then Ben pulled another letter out from behind the desk, saying I had done well with the goodbyes even though that part wasn’t a pop quiz, so we could be friends again and I could have my second letter.


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