Today was both completely agonizing and delightful at the same time. I find this type of feeling exhausting. The students had their last exam in the morning, consisting of a tree identification test, and two tests regarding their monkey-watching skills. In the afternoon I had a meeting with my two field assistants, Charles and Robert. We had to negotiate the terms of their contract to work for me until November. I have never been an employer before, nor have I negotiated someone’s contract. Despite being earnest and trustworthy men while they work for us, I knew from past researchers to expect some tough and sometimes sneaky negotiation. I was prepared to give them each a raise, as we know that the cost of everything in Ghana has increased over the last year following a jump in the price of fuel. Beyond this raise, I was geared up to be a stubborn negotiator. It might be my greatest fear while I am here (besides being swarmed by ants) that I might offend a Ghanaian, espe...